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hw emulation

Posted by jessie on September 27, 2012
Hi. I am new to freeRTOS. Does it possible to emulate HW platform that is supported by freeRTOS and then run and test freeRTOS capabilities on that emulated hardware? Is there any simulator for windows or linux that is capable such thing. Thanks.

RE: hw emulation

Posted by Richard on September 27, 2012
FreeRTOS runs in various simulators (QEMU, Keil, a PCB CAD package the name of which escapes me temporarily, etc.), and it runs in both windows and Linux simulators.

The real simulators simulate the hardware itself, so you run a real port of FreeRTOS on them. The Windows/Linux simulators run the FreeRTOS scheduler to schedule tasks, where the tasks are Windows/linux threads. That means the kernel selects which task to run, but the context switching is done by WindowsLinux so it is not a real hardware port.

http://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS-Windows-Simulator-Emulator-for-Visual-Studio-and-Eclipse-MingW.html (the MSVC is the demo/port that I maintain actively myself).

http://www.freertos.org/simple-freertos-demos.html (see the Keil simulator)

http://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS-simulator-for-Linux.html (supported/maintained by a third party)


RE: hw emulation

Posted by jessie on December 4, 2012
I cant run the demo program in my eclipse. I think I correctly imported all the files and stuff (maybe not ) and I hit build and then run and it doesnt work. Please help.


RE: hw emulation

Posted by MEdwards on December 4, 2012
The image posted does not help. Can you post the results of the build, the output generated by the compiler during the build including any error messages.

RE: hw emulation

Posted by jessie on December 4, 2012
I think I didnt imported it correctly but I have no idea how to do it. These steps on http://www.freertos.org/FreeRTOS-Windows-Simulator-Emulator-for-Visual-Studio-and-Eclipse-MingW.html#SourceCodeOrg are super useless I cant figure them out what to do step by step in my eclipse.

RE: hw emulation

Posted by jessie on December 4, 2012
ok I give up. I was able to run the version for the visual studio fortunately. This eclipse crap doesnt work.

RE: hw emulation

Posted by jessie on December 4, 2012
btw, are there any nice simple demos for testing and studying in ms vs. I tried eclipse first because I am a java developer so I am used to work in eclipse a lot. But it didnt work so I dont care I use VS to run it. I would like to learn more about this freertos even though I cant develop in C or C++, but I understand c code enough to learn something new. If there is anything please post a link. thanks. bye

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