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A task doesn't wait for a semaphore to ...

Posted by https://www.google.com/accounts on September 11, 2012
A task that supposes to be waiting for a binary semaphore to be given starts running before that happens, why? Regards the next code snippet, task_Led2() runs as soon as the systems starts, however, what one expects is that this task should wait until task_led1() gives it the semaphore.

void task_Led1(void *p)
uint32_t i=0;


if(++i == 5){

void task_Led2(void *p)
uint32_t i=0;

xSemaphoreTake(bsmphUno,portMAX_DELAY); // doesn't wait for the semaphore to be given the first time, it goes to the for() immediatly


int main(void)





Any clues? Thank you!!

RE: A task doesn't wait for a semaphore to ...

Posted by MEdwards on September 11, 2012
As this is a binary semaphore, it is already available when it is created. Add a call to xSemaphoreTake( bsmphUno, 0 ) after the semaphore is created, probably best to do that inside the task when the task starts running, and it will run how you think it should.

RE: A task doesn't wait for a semaphore to ...

Posted by https://www.google.com/accounts on September 11, 2012
Hi Edwards,

It works!! I added the line you pointed me out:




I'm worried because this feature is not officially documented, but into a comment block inside a function in an example. I own both Barry's books, "A practical guided" and "Reference manual", from 2009. In "A practical guide"' page 76, inside vHandlerTask() function, there is an embedded comment code that says:

"/* Use the semaphore to wait for an event. The semaphore was created before the scheduler was started so before this task ran for the first time. ... */"

Hope the behaviour for the other API's functions are in fact well documented.

Thank you!!

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