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Posted by Jody Phouthavong on September 6, 2011
I wanted to know if any one has tried using Micrium's uC/Probe on FreeRTOS. I am trying to use this on a Renesas RX62N eval board.


RE: uC/Probe

Posted by MEdwards on September 6, 2011
It should not depend on the RTOS as it reads symbol table data and raw addresses, from what I read, never actually tried it though. It looks like a micro version of a SCADA system like I worked on when I was a (much) younger engineer :) It might depend on a propitiatory protocol in the embedded device though. If it is using just JTAG to get data then there is probably no protocol, but it will stop the MCU on each read. If it is using a UART or other serial device then there must be a protocol.

RE: uC/Probe

Posted by Jody Phouthavong on September 6, 2011
At the moment I have Micrium uC/Probe code in a project with FreeRTOS. All the OS does is spawns the task for uC/Probe, the interrupts are working fine for the UART. Figure this would be a uC/Probe issues and not a FreeRTOS issue, but I wanted to see if any one tried using uC/Probe with FreeRTOS.

RE: uC/Probe

Posted by Richard on September 7, 2011
What is the mechanism, or protocol, for the data extraction? It sounds like you have a special task that is processing a serial (UART) protocol. Does the uC/Probe tool send requests to the UART, and the task respond with the requested data, or does the task just continuously send data that is requested just one time (or that it is hard coded to send?).

Also, how is the data identified? I have not looked in detail at the tool, but have read the marketing blurb for it. It sounds like in the tool itself, you just use the C names for the variables you want to view, which must mean they have to be globals? How is the C name translated to a request over the serial port?

I too coincidentally used to work on SCADA system protocols as one of my first jobs. There were lots of different schemes used, mainly using data requests sent of RS485 (it was also a long time ago). Different protocols were used, such as MODBUS, etc. I guess these days SCADA systems would use Ethernet or WiFi. I even worked on a system once with a 1200 buad radio modem used to extract data from a crane boom arm for display in a ground base station ;o)

To stop reminiscing and get back to the point....ignoring uC/Probe for the moment, have you verified that your task can both send and receive data from the UART reliably? Loop back tests, either out then in, or in then out, are often a good way of testing that. Once you are 100% confident the UART communications are reliable, it would be a matter of tracing incoming messages through the code to see how far they get, and if they generate any responses.


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