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Posted by Francois-Pascal Bello on September 10, 2008
I am succesfully running lwIP Embedded WEB Server Demo on the AT91SAM7X-EK.
I am trying to change the USB Vendor ID & Product ID as well as the descriptor strings displayed on Windows. So, I have modified these strings in descriptor.h and I have modified the FreeRTOS.inf file to match the new product ID I want.
However, I looks like Windows still detects the original product ID and displays the USB device as "FreeRTOS CDC Demo", even if I changed that string in descriptor.h.
Can someone help me with this one?
I would like to change the product ID to 1234 and have "My Project" displayed when the USB is connected.


Posted by Richard on September 11, 2008
I don't know why this would happen if you have changed the ID's - try uninstalling the existing drivers first.


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