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dynamic linking/loading on at91sam7s

Posted by Bert Schiettecatte on September 4, 2005
hi all,

I'd like to use freertos on an at91sam7s processor, and be able to load binary code (dynamic libraries really, stand alone functions) which has been received over USB or the serial connection.

does FreeRTOS have any support to do this? if not, does anyone have any ideas how to implement this?


RE: dynamic linking/loading on at91sam7s

Posted by Richard on September 8, 2005
Sorry for the delay in responding – but I have been out of the office for the last 4 days.

FreeRTOS does not directly support dynamic loading of object code. Doing so is very processor/flash and compiler dependent.

You can try some crude schemes such as maintaining tables of pointers to functions, holding code in RAM, allocating fixed addresses for functions, etc, but generally a truly dynamic loading system will be difficult to implement if you want to also be able to return to the original loader code.


RE: dynamic linking/loading on at91sam7s

Posted by sashiono on April 12, 2007
Any chance of making a Task that could dynamic load an ELF File?
because you don't really need to return back to the original loader, if it is surrounded by a task, you could still run all the static tasks?

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