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Generate freetos failed in new Xilinx SDK 2015.3

Posted by contho on November 3, 2015

Hi, This is my first post in this forum . So please be nice. Currently I try to migrate a freertos project which was built in Xilinx SDK 2013.4 to new version 2015.3 . When I re-generated the new freetos bsp ffrom the tool. I got this error when running the freertos tcl. Not sure if I should make a change in this tcl or not. Any idea, Thanks

09:55:25 ERROR : (XSDB Server)ERROR: [Hsi 55-1545] Problem running tcl command ::swfreertoszynqv100a::FreeRTOSdrc : invalid command name "xgetlibgenprochandle" while executing "xgetlibgenprochandle" (procedure "::swfreertoszynqv100a::FreeRTOSdrc" line 5) invoked from within "::swfreertoszynqv100a::FreeRTOSdrc freertos_zynq"

09:55:25 ERROR : (XSDB Server)ERROR: [Hsi 55-1440] Error(s) while running DRCs.

09:55:25 ERROR : (XSDB Server)ERROR: [Hsi 55-1450] Error: running generate_bsp.

09:55:26 ERROR : Error generating bsp sources: Failed in generating sources 09:55:26 ERROR : Failed to regenerate sources for BSP project freertoszynqbsp_0 org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: Internal error occurred while generating bsp sources. Please check the SDK Log view for further details. at com.xilinx.sdk.sw.ui.handlers.RegenBspSourcesHandler.internalGenerateBsp(RegenBspSourcesHandler.java:178) at com.xilinx.sdk.sw.ui.handlers.RegenBspSourcesHandler.access$2(RegenBspSourcesHandler.java:163) at com.xilinx.sdk.sw.ui.handlers.RegenBspSourcesHandler$1$1.run(RegenBspSourcesHandler.java:131) at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Workspace.run(Workspace.java:2345) at com.xilinx.sdk.sw.ui.handlers.RegenBspSourcesHandler$1.run(RegenBspSourcesHandler.java:135) at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext$ModalContextThread.run(ModalContext.java:121)

Generate freetos failed in new Xilinx SDK 2015.3

Posted by heinbali01 on November 3, 2015

Hi Thomas,

This is my first post in this forum . So please be nice.

We're always nice on this forum :-)

Unfortunately I don't understand what goes wrong in your SDK 2015.3. It looks like a question for the Xilinx forum or maybe Eclipse.

Are you able to create the Xilinx sources ( xxx__bsp\ps7_cortexa9_0\libsrc\* ) ?

I see that I'm running behind, I'm still using 2015.2.

There are some alternative ways if you want:

  • Use a Makefile project
  • Use the FreeRTOS Zynq project
  • Try the eariler SDK 2015.2

Makefile: see File -> Import -> Select an import source -> type "Makefile" and you will see the option "Existing Code as Makefile Project". Using a Makefile will give you total freedom: you can also include FreeRTOS and the BSP files in the Makefile.

Use the FreeRTOS Zynq project : on www.freertos.org/labs you find a project using +TCP and +FAT that is ready to run on a Zynq. It will only need the creation of the Xilinx BSP files. Once you have this project compiling and running, you can replace the project sources with your own sources.


Generate freetos failed in new Xilinx SDK 2015.3

Posted by rtel on November 3, 2015

I presume this question is about using a FreeRTOS BSP, where the FreeRTOS source files are included in the files generated by the SDK, rather than a standalone BSP, where the FreeRTOS source files are built as part of the application.

Where are you getting the FreeRTOS BSP from? The TCP format/commands used by the 2013.4 SDK are not compatible with the 2014.x versions. I believe the latest SDK download has everything you need built in - so you do not need to add a repository. Alternatively, the repository included in the latest FreeRTOS release has also be updated to work with the latest SDK tools: http://www.freertos.org/RTOS-Xilinx-SDK-BSP.html


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