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why task is not deleted completely?

Posted by vincent on November 5, 2012
Hi Recard:
I create a task with STACK RAM 128*8 Bytes, and use vTaskDelete(handle) in another task, then call vTaskDump to check
the task status, it is really deleted in task list. then, i create it again. then delete it in anothere task, after about 5 ~ 8 times operation, the vTaskDump show that the task 's status is D(delete), but the task is also in task list. vTaskDump always displayit . after wait 3 minutes ,vTaskDelay still show it . why ? what cause it ?
by the way , the task is written with socket API,, i also close the sockets when delete it .


RE: why task is not deleted completely?

Posted by Richard on November 5, 2012
I can't find any reference to a function called vTaskDump() in the distribution, nor know how a task is created using a sockets() API (are you using a TCP/IP stack?), but talking generally....

When you call vTaskDelete() the task is removed from the pool of tasks that are able to run, and added to a pool of tasks that are waiting to be cleaned up. The actual clean up is done by the idle task.

Are you starving the Idle task of processing time, preventing it cleaning up deleted tasks?


RE: why task is not deleted completely?

Posted by Jerry Durand on November 5, 2012
Or, as I ran into some time back, I had the wrong heap.c loaded so the clean-up pool was never cleaned.

RE: why task is not deleted completely?

Posted by vincent on November 6, 2012
hi rechard:

i am sorry that my words is confusing
first, i use vTaskList to dump current running tasks,
second, my task is a net application written by SOCKET API
as you describe, the idle task doesn't clean up the deleted task, maybe the idle task hasn't got control to implement ?
in my system, there are more than 10 running task together .


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