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Rowley port on 2368

Posted by spreet on November 13, 2008
I am trying to use Rowley 2368 port on a 2378 board. These processors are practically the same. Also, I am using the 20 pin Macraigor Wiggler to attach the PC to the board.
I have the following observations/questions:
1. The code compiles with the 2 warnings but no errors.
2. When I download the code, it downloads and is ready to run. Every time I try to run (Start Debug command from the interface), it erases the flash and reprograms it. Is this the correct behavior or I need to set some parameters so that it does not program the device every time ?
3. I assume that the code is doing something as I see the Green Led on the status bar flashing. However, I don't see anything on the LED display or on the Debug I/O terminal window of the Rowley IDE.

I expected to see FreeRtos.org and pass/ fail messages on led

Am I missing something. Normally on other boards (MCB 2130 ) I can see the messages on the I/o window as expected.

Any one with any suggestions


RE: Rowley port on 2368

Posted by spreet on November 13, 2008
never mind. I had to set the define configPINSEL2_VALUE 0x50150105
and not the other one.

Please ignore the previous message.

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