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Error on Timer1 with dsPIC

Posted by Luis Farinha on November 23, 2008

I'm creating a project using freeRTOS in dsPIC30F6011A, and when I compile the following error occurs:

Source\portable\MPLAB\PIC24_dsPIC\port.c: In function 'prvSetupTimerInterrupt':
Source\portable\MPLAB\PIC24_dsPIC\port.c:277: error: 'TCON_16BIT' has no member named 'TCKPS0'
Source\portable\MPLAB\PIC24_dsPIC\port.c:278: error: 'TCON_16BIT' has no member named 'TCKPS1'

How can I resolve it??


Luis Farinha

RE: Error on Timer1 with dsPIC

Posted by MEdwards on November 23, 2008
Is this the exact same question? http://sourceforge.net/forum/forum.php?thread_id=2593706&forum_id=382005

The setup of the tick interrupt uses a timer peripheral. If you want to switch the code from one device to another and the timer peripheral or the header files that define the timer registers are different then you are going to have to modify the code.

You need to look up in the user manual for the dsPIC30 how you setup the timer to generate a fixed frequency tick. Also look at the header files. It might just be the header files that define the TCKPS0 structures have changed.

RE: Error on Timer1 with dsPIC

Posted by Richard Damon on November 24, 2008
The TCON Timer definiiton now defines a two bit field TCKPS instead of two sepereate 1 bit fields TCKPS0 and TCKPS1, just change the two assignments to a single assignment.

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