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System semaphores

Posted by burry94 on May 22, 2017

Hi all. I want to insert a fault in the RTOS system to test how my app react to it: I have to insert in the part of the semaphore, but I don't know which register to change or where to find it. my goal is to flip some bits in a register that the system use to manage semaphore internal to the RTOS, not the application ones. Is it possible? thanks

System semaphores

Posted by rtel on May 22, 2017

I'm not sure I understand the question. The RTOS does not use semaphores internally, the only semaphores are the ones used by the application.

System semaphores

Posted by burry94 on May 23, 2017

Thank you for the answer. Since our project involves a fault injection on semaphores and, as you said, there are no semaphores used internally by the RTOS is it possible to modify the way the RTOS manages the semaphores of our application? In other words, is there any variable that holds, for example, the priority of the user semaphores and can be modified? If there is any, how can we access to it?

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