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Looking compiler for RTOS

Posted by vead on May 2, 2017

Hello everyone I am familiar with microcontroller (8051 ARM ). I have little bit knowledge of Embedded C programming. I am using window 10 OS. I want to learn about real time opearting system. also I am reading some books . I am looking for compiler so that I can compile some sample CODE. can someone provide me link to download compiler with sample code ? thank you very much

Looking compiler for RTOS

Posted by rtel on May 2, 2017

I think at the last count we support some 18 different compilers, a lot of which are free to download.

It sounds like you are inexperienced though, so I would not recommend downloading a command line compiler, but something with an IDE. I can't recommend one over another (as we partner with many compiler vendors we need to remain neutral) but each demo application in the FreeRTOS download has a documentation page that tells you which compiler it is using.

However, as you say you only have a little knowledge of embedded C, consider whether learning an RTOS is really the best thing for you. You may be better off strengthening your embedded C skills with some non-RTOS based exercises before taking the step to learning how to use an RTOS. When you do get that far the FreeRTOS book (http://www.freertos.org/Documentation/RTOS_book.html) will provide a good introduction and includes many examples that you can build.

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