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Is there any checkpatch kind of utility for FreeRTOS?

Posted by jvgediya on May 10, 2017

Linux kernel have a checkpatch.pl which can used to catch the coding standard violations in a patch. I am looking for something similar for FreeRTOS because i want to enforce the strict FreeRTOS coding guidelines while development.

Is there anything available which can be useful in this case?

Thanks, Jagdish

Is there any checkpatch kind of utility for FreeRTOS?

Posted by rtel on May 10, 2017

There are two related but different topics: the coding style, and the coding standard.

Style: You can use source code formatting tools such as GreatCode, uncrustify, etc. to do some of the style stuff - but auto formatting comments is a pain and it won't check things like the naming convention.

Coding standard: We use the MISRA standard, which can be checked by a lot of tools. Our preference is to use lint as that allows rules to be turned on and off in the source code comments (where turning a rule off on a line has the additional requirement of entering a credible justification for doing so in the same comment).

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