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unable to start program libRTOSDemo.a in ATMEL SAMV71

Posted by rclub123 on May 7, 2016

I have ATMEL SAMV71 xplained ultra board (http://www.atmel.com/tools/ATSAMV71-XULT.aspx) and ATMEL STUDIO 7.0 software. I downloaded freeRTOS zip file and followed the steps in http://www.freertos.org/AtmelSAMV7Cortex-M7RTOSDemo.html . build was sucessfull. when i select "Start Debugging and Break" i am getting error as "unable to start program libRTOSDemo.a . the specified file is an unrecognised or unsupported binary format". can someone help me out how to solve this problem?

unable to start program libRTOSDemo.a in ATMEL SAMV71

Posted by rtel on May 7, 2016

I don't think this is a FreeRTOS issue as such, but some kind of project or misconfiguration issue as the error message you posted appears to show you are trying to run a library (.a file extension) rather than an elf file. If you look in the "output files" folder of the Solution Explorer window in Atmel Studio you should see a file called RTOSDemo.elf - that is the file you should be executing. I have just tried this using Atmel Studio 7 and a clean FreeRTOS V9.0.0rc2 release and the file is generated correctly.

unable to start program libRTOSDemo.a in ATMEL SAMV71

Posted by rclub123 on May 9, 2016

In the output files i have the file called libRTOSDemo.a file no RTOSDemo.elf was found.. Here is the steps i did, first i downloaded FreeRTOS V9.0.0rc2.zip file. then i extracted this to some folder, then i opened the extracted folder and then followed the path. FreeRTOS->Demo-> CORTEXM7SAMV71XplainedAtmelStudio -> RTOSDemo.atsln i opened it in atmel studio 7. then i connected the board to my computer, board detced sucessfully. then selected 'Build solution' from the build option, build was sucessful. when i select "Start Debugging and Break" i am getting error as "unable to start program libRTOSDemo.a ..

unable to start program libRTOSDemo.a in ATMEL SAMV71

Posted by rtel on May 9, 2016

Those are the correct steps - and the steps I followed myself - but my output was an elf file not a library. Check the project options to ensure they are set to build an executable rather than a library.

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