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FreeRTOS on NXP LPC1788, malloc() failure with heap_3.c

Posted by jshentu on May 21, 2016


I am experiencing failure with malloc() function. Details of the target system is given as below: MCU: LPC1788FBD208 OS: FreeRTOS SDRAM: MT48LC4M16A2 Original Evaluation Kit: UEZGUI-1788-70WVT Sample Project: uEZv2.06SourceForge

I am using the heap_3.c module. Function malloc() is dead at first time when it is called, requiring 76 bytes to be allocated. When I check the configuration of the heap size, it is far bigger than the required size. Could you technical support guys help identify the problem? Thanks in advance.

heap_3 code

~~~ void *pvPortMalloc( size_t xWantedSize ) { void *pvReturn;

vTaskSuspendAll(); { pvReturn = malloc(xWantedSize ); } xTaskResumeAll();


{ if( pvReturn == NULL ) { extern void vApplicationMallocFailedHook( void ); vApplicationMallocFailedHook(); } }


return pvReturn; } ~~~

Heap Size defined in FreeRTOSConfig.h


define configMINIMALSTACKSIZE ( 128 )
ifndef configTOTALHEAPSIZE
define configTOTALHEAPSIZE ( ( size_t ) (( 32 * 1024 ) - 64))


I have tried to increase the heap size up to 48k and reduce the heap size to 20k. The malloc dead lock keeps the same. There is no improvement.

FreeRTOS on NXP LPC1788, malloc() failure with heap_3.c

Posted by rtel on May 21, 2016

Sample Project: uEZv2.06SourceForge

That is not a demo we provide ourselves (I don't think?), and as it seems to be a SourceForge project (guessing from FDI) then they will have a support forum too.

I am using the heap_3.c module. Function malloc() is dead at first time when it is called, requiring 76 bytes to be allocated. When I check the configuration of the heap size, it is far bigger than the required size. Could you technical support guys help identify the problem? Thanks in advance.

If you are using heap3 then FreeRTOS is not providing the heap implementation, it is simply wrapping the calls to malloc() to make them thread safe. The heap is provided by your C run time environment, and configTOTALHEAP_SIZE is not being used. See http://www.freertos.org/a00111.html for more information.


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