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Crossworks on MCB1700 won't compile

Posted by George Redpath on May 29, 2012
I am using ARM Crossworks 2.2 and FreeRTOS 7.1.1 and trying to compile to a MCB1700 Keil target. After applying the notes on adding extra paths to the preprocessor it still fails to compile in the USB section, with messages that structures such as USB-> aren't defined. They do seem to have ben assigned in in LPC17xx.h.
Has anyone managed to build to this target, and if so have they any comments?

RE: Crossworks on MCB1700 won't compile

Posted by Dave on May 29, 2012
There is an example in the FreeRTOS download. Look in the \Demo\CORTEX_LPC1768_GCC_Rowley folder. It might not be for the MCB1700 exactly but it should build.

Are you actually using USB?

RE: Crossworks on MCB1700 won't compile

Posted by George Redpath on May 29, 2012
Thanks Dave, this is the example I am trying to build, and no at present I don't intend to use the uSB, but it isn't a promising start, I suspect I could remove the USB from the build, but I have a niggling fear, that if it won't compile after it seems to have been assigned, it is only the start of my problems.

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