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freeRTOS on Virtex4 with APU FPU

Posted by Vadim Malenboim on March 30, 2009
Has anybody had experience with the Xilinx virtex4 port with apu fpu.
I'm trying to make it work now. (the apu fpu port)

As long as I deal with the "usual" tasks all working fine.
When I introduce the floating tasks the system just freezes.

All tasks are created with success but when the scheduler is trying to run the first task all freezes.

I am working with virtex4 fpga but on a customized board (not evaluation ml410).
Also I ported the project from xilinx edk 8.2 to 9.2.02i and running it from there.

When I run simple float multiplication without multitasking it succeeds.

Xilinx errata on the ppc405 mentions system freeze : http://www.xilinx.com/support/answers/14052.htm

But I'm not sure if I encounter one of their scenarios.

Any suggestions ?

Thank you.
In advance.

RE: freeRTOS on Virtex4 with APU FPU

Posted by Richard on April 1, 2009
I had a thing occur where the FPU didn't work correctly - control didn't pass back to the CPU so the system froze after a FLOP calculation. Having ping ponged it back and forth with Xilinx for a while they suggested that I installed their entire tool chain, instead of 'just the components I needed'. After I followed their instructions the problem went away.

Don't know if this is in any way related to your issue though.


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