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using printf in FreeRTOS with MSP430 board

Posted by miraekim on June 10, 2017

I am trying to use printf in FreeRTOS with MSP430FR5969 board.

I have tested with basic helloworld project without FreeRTOS,. and it works well.

But the CIO console is not showing up when I run the other project.

I stepped through the code and I can see that FreeRTOS includes its own version of printf and not the one that comes with the TI Compiler C runtime support library.

Does anybody knows how to use this printf library in MSP430 board?

Best regards,


using printf in FreeRTOS with MSP430 board

Posted by tlafleur on June 10, 2017

printf that is included with FreeRTOS is RTOS safe, many of the pintf in processor support packages are not.

so, if you want to use another printf, its time to do some testing!


alternate (2108 bytes)

using printf in FreeRTOS with MSP430 board

Posted by miraekim on June 11, 2017

I mean I would like to use printf which FreeRTOS provides, but it is not working in my MSP430 board. So I wonder if there any manual about using printf that FreeRTOS provide.

Best, Mirae

using printf in FreeRTOS with MSP430 board

Posted by rtel on June 11, 2017

You need to tell the printf() implementation how to output characters. That is done using the printchar() function, which is defined at the top of printf-stdarg.c. You need to implement the function to output the characters the function passes in using the function's parameters. In a lot of cases that will be to simply write the characters to a serial port.

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