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how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by zhuchunxia on June 21, 2016


is there a way to support one cpu without NVIC ?

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by rtel on June 21, 2016

You can support interrupt nesting using global interrupt disables, or [ideally] any register on the CPU or interrupt controller that allows a subset of interrupts to be masked - see my reply to your other post.

Interrupts will only nest if your hardware allows them to nest and if interrupts are enabled (you are outside of a critical section). It might be that you have to manually re-enabled interrupts in the ISR if your hardware disables interrupts before starting to execute the ISR.

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by zhuchunxia on June 22, 2016

yes, you are right...my cpu disable interrupts automatically before starting to execute the ISR ..it I enable interrupt in ISR , it will bring new issue. that is current cpu execute a lower interrupt ISR, then timer interrupt (its priority is higher than the current interrupt) happen and cpu enter timer interrupt ISR, and yeild task(PendSV trap is software trap which is higher than interrupt), the current interrupt ISR cann't be over normally...am I right ? but in NVIC mode, PendSV is in lower priority, it will start to execute before current interrupt over.. that why its interrupt can be nested.

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by rtel on June 22, 2016

Are you sure you want to implement interrupt nesting? On smaller MCUs it can be faster to keep the interrupts as short as possible, deferring any longer processing that needs to be done to a task.

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by zhuchunxia on June 22, 2016

I only want to know if it can support interrupt nesting in those type of cpu without NVIC, in fact, I saw more porting code doesn't support interrupt nesting in FreeRTOS GCC folder

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by rtel on June 22, 2016

If you only have the ability to globally enable and disable interrupts, rather than having the ability to simply mask off a subset of interrupt priorities, then it is still possible to support interrupt nesting, but it because a more detailed conversation about the capabilities of the hardware. For example:

  • Does the hardware itself support interrupt nesting.

  • If you re-enable interrupts inside an ISR and a lower priority interrupt is received by the hardware, what does it do? Accept it immediately anyway, hold it pending, loose it, etc.?

Then there are questions about how you are going to perform context switches from nested interrupts - you may need to manually count the nesting depth and only context switch when the nesting count reaches zero again, which means adding assembly code to the beginning and end of each ISR, etc. It is all very hardware dependent.

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by zhuchunxia on June 22, 2016

if the interrupt controller has a mask register to mask subset of interrupt (not priority) which only disable subset of interrupt. how should I do ? my cpu can't save and restore context by hardware, it is done when enter ISR and exit ISR. so I think it has no capability for the only way you are saying .

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by zhuchunxia on June 22, 2016

having the ability to simply mask off a subset of interrupt priorities which means a register which can rearrange interrupt priority in stead of interrupt mask register ?

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by zhuchunxia on June 22, 2016

if a cpu has no sys tick trap, it must use timer interrupt as systick trap. there are two case. 1. those interrupt which 's priority higher than timer interrupt will interrupt timer ISR, does it make sense ? 2. those interrupt which's priority lower than timer interrupt will be interrupted by timer interrupt... it is not allowed as timer ISR might issue a Yield task trap.

so, could I think one cpu whithout system tick trap can't support iinterrupt nesting ?

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by davedoors on June 22, 2016

I dont understand your question but if the timer is the tick timer then it should be at the lowest priority.

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by zhuchunxia on June 23, 2016

the cpu has no priority register to make timer interrupt in lower priority

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by zhuchunxia on June 23, 2016

there is no way to put timer interrupt priority in lower priority... what happen ?

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by davedoors on June 23, 2016

Do you really need interrupts to nest? Looks like it is going to be hard work on your processor.

how to support interrupt nested in some cpu without NVIC

Posted by richard_damon on June 24, 2016

Without a NVIC (or similar hardware) there is no natural order to interrupts, so you can't natively let interrrupts nest. If you want to make the system allow interrupt nesting, then YOU need to provide code such that while in interrupt Y, it can be interrupted by interrupt Z but not by interrupt X where YOUR logical interrupt priority is X lower than Y and Z higher than Y. FreeRTOS assumes that the TimerTick interrupt is the lowest priority, so it can't interrupt any other ISRs.

To do this nesting, YOU need to have code that when you enter interrupt Y, it saves enough context so it knows how to get back to the current state, then disables all interrupts of priorities up to Y, and THEN it can reenable the interrupts. When interrupt Y is done, it needs to restore the interrupt settings to what they were like when the interrupt entered. Note, this DOESN'T mean automatically reenabling all interrupts, as Y may have been nexting with X, so if so, it only wants to reenble from X+1 to Y.

This may well be a LOT of work to do this, and as Dave asked, is it really needed. You only need nesting when 'low priority' interrupts might take longer than the required response time of some high priority interrupt. One good design policy to prevent this is to keep the ISRs quick, and push to task level anything that requires real work.

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