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Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by thyanger on June 8, 2016

Hi everybody.

In my application there is an STM32 micro communicating with a 3G module. Firstly I just want to send an AT command to check whether the module is on or not. So I do ~~~ HALUARTTransmit(&UARTMOBILEHandle, (uint8t *)&"ATr", sizeof("ATr"), TOUT); HALUARTReceive(&UARTMOBILEHandle, (uint8t *)rxBuffer, SIZEOFRXBUFFER, TOUT); ~~~

Unfortunately, at the end of the process I only get corrupted data within rxBuffer. That is, there is a fragmented version of what it is supposed to be the standard module answer to AT: something like rnnATr instead of rnrnATrnOKrn. The same code works fine without FreeRTOS.

Any advice?

Thank you and regards.

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by rtel on June 8, 2016

Is this a FreeRTOS question? Does it work when you don't use FreeRTOS?

The HALUARTTransmit()/Receive() functions are not functions we provide, but I would suggest checking the prototype of the functions as from what you have posted the usage looks suspicious - especially where taking the address of a pointer when passing in the string.

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by thyanger on June 9, 2016

Yes it does work fine without FreeRTOS. Sorry there was a typo in the code: I did not directly copied from the IDE, now it is the corrected version.

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by rtel on June 9, 2016

Is the UART using interrupts or is it polling? If it is using interrupts, does the interrupt service routine make use of the FreeRTOS API?

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by thyanger on June 9, 2016

Polling! Could it be a task switch problem?

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by rtel on June 9, 2016

I doubt it. If it is polling then I can't see why it would make any difference if you were using FreeRTOS or not - unless there was another task attempting to access the port at the same time.

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by thyanger on June 9, 2016

Any suggestion? Possible configuration issues?

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by thyanger on June 9, 2016

Hmmm, no that task is the unique using that peripheral...

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by hs2sf on June 12, 2016

Maybe just a simple stack overflow ? Stack incl. thread-safe memory management in general is one of the main differences running code w/ or w/o FreeRTOS runtime environment.

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by rtel on June 12, 2016

Do you have stack overflow checking switched on, and configASSERT() defined? Links to information on both on the following page: http://www.freertos.org/FAQHelp.html

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by thyanger on June 13, 2016

Hmmm, ok thanks for the hint, I will check.

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by thyanger on June 13, 2016

No, I don't. I will put them on and start debugging, thank you for pointing this out.

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by thyanger on June 14, 2016

Just a question, what would happen in case of stack overflow (I am not an expert so do not hesitate to tell me "obvious" things)? I have the checking switched on and I have defined the corresponding hook, but nothing happens, the program runs without ending in the hook and the reception is corrupted. I tried both with configCHECKFORSTACK_OVERFLOW = 1 and 2.

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by thyanger on June 16, 2016

So far my solution is using interrupts and it is working. I hope this helps anybody else who is getting into the same issue.

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by hs2sf on June 18, 2016

Everything weird can happen on stack overflow (also depending on processor architecture). Often local variables are corrupted (even worse corrupted local pointer variables might cause hard to debug data coruption somewhere else), return addresses might get wrong causing a function to return to somewhere else etc. Stack overflow checks as thankfully provided by FreeRTOS are a big help but can't cover/detect all overflows b/c a check-function needs to be called. Enabling stack checks activate some trigger points in the OS usually on context/task switch to check the stack of the current task before switching to the next ready task or similar. Hence stack overflows occuring while executing a task (function) are not detected. One might 'manually' add further stack-checks inside a task function or use a debugger watching the stack-pointer (processor register - refer to the actual ABI of your processor) while stepping through suspicous code. Note that there are some C-lib functions known to use a lot of stack (e.g. printf-family). Sometimes the fastest way to find out if the reason of a bug could be stack-overflow, is to drastically increase the stack of the task for testing purposes and check if it's working then or still buggy/crashing.

Good luck !

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by thyanger on June 20, 2016

Thanks for the suggestion. What do you mean for "drastically increase"?. I increased the task stack by a factor of 8 the base dimension (#define configMINIMALSTACKSIZE ((uint16_t)128)) but nothing changed. However I will investigate in light of what you pointed out.


Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by hs2sf on June 21, 2016

A factor of 8 is usually more than enough. I've to admit that my wording wasn't so good. I tried to say do not add just 16 bytes but 50-100% :) In your case where the ported code didn't work yet it's hard to estimate the right starting value. It clearly depends of your code. Just for example I'm using 512 - 1024 byte in my current application and the tasks do more than just LED blinking. On the other hand the default min. size of 128 byte was not sufficient pretty early. Hope it helps !

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by thyanger on June 22, 2016

Ok, I will try (so far I got stuck with another stupid problem that made me going crazy). I just want to add some extra elements I have hidden before thinking they were not important: to be more precise there are two tasks, say task A and task B. Task A is the main task in charge to do some things at, let's say, application level, while task B is in charge to bring the module to the ready state (insert pin, open network and so on). So, task A starts and before entering the infinite loop it hard reset the module and waits for the start message. At this stage the reception buffer is never corrupted (I mean since the time I am trying to use polling). Then, based on what happende after the hard reset and the corresponding start message reception, task A, in case of success, starts task B and goes in the idle state (task A implements a state machine) waiting for task B to do its job. Now, task B firstly try to insert the SIM pin. Here, the 3G module feedback consisting in an ack string, has to be received and in this case it is corrupted. When performing this actions with low level send receive interrupts HALS this works like a charm (and the story goes on because then I am able to make the module ready for connection and then I can connect to a server and perform some IO flawlessly...).

I will post news if any, thank you for the support!

Reception buffer corrupted in UART IO with STM32 + FreeRTOS

Posted by thyanger on June 23, 2016

No good news, I "dramatically" increased the minimum stack size by a factor of 16 and nothing happened. On PIN insertion with polling I get ~~~ AIN=5119rrnOrn+CPIN: REUPDATINGrnrnGrnrNErnrnCALL DONErn ~~~ while with interrupts I get ~~~ AT+CPIN=5119rrnOKrnrn+CPIN: READYrnrnOPL UPDATINGrnrnPNN UPDATINGrnrnSMS DONErnrnCALL READYrnrnPB DONErn ~~~ which is what it is supposed to be received. :

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