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an optimization in vPortYield()

Posted by ares.qi on June 22, 2005
when call vPortYield(), what they do is below;


but if scheduler is locked or there is no higher or the other same priority task in readylist , we have to return to the current task again. In these cases, portSAVE_CONTEXT() and portRESTORE_CONTEXT() waste much system resources.

so i think we should let vTaskSwitchContext() return a value to solve this problem like this:

signed portBASE_TYPE vTaskSwitchContext()
if we have switched to another task
return pdTRUE;
return pdFALSE

thus vPortYield() maybe change to
void vPortYield( void )
signed portBASE_TYPE xReturn;
xReturn = vTaskSwitchContext();
if (xReturn == pdFALSE) return;

And this change doesn't afffect vPortYieldFromTick or other ISRs.

RE: an optimization in vPortYield()

Posted by ares.qi on June 22, 2005
sorry vPortYield() should be

void vPortYield( void )
__signed portBASE_TYPE xReturn;

__xReturn = vTaskSwitchContext();

__if (xReturn == pdFALSE)



RE: an optimization in vPortYield()

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on June 22, 2005
this definately will not work. SwitchContext must come between save_context and restore_context otherwise you save the context of one task into the tcb of another.


1\ task a is running.

2\ tick happens

3\ SwitchContext decides another task (b) should run and switches the current tcb.

4\ as your code SwitchContext returns true and save_context is called.

5\ save_context saves task a context into task b stack.

6\ restore_context then immediately removes task a context from task b stack.

now task a is running but the current tcb is pointing to task b.

RE: an optimization in vPortYield()

Posted by ares.qi on June 22, 2005
yes, you are right.

But i think it's better we need a method to avoid portSAVE_CONTEXT() and portRESTORE_CONTEXT() when scheduler is locked or there is no higher or the other same priority task in readylist.

of course , my method will not work , i know now. But it will has another way to do this.

RE: an optimization in vPortYield()

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on June 22, 2005
which port do you use. there is very little overhead in hc12 port, but more in say pic port.

RE: an optimization in vPortYield()

Posted by ares.qi on June 22, 2005
sorry , now i have not run it acctually.

I am reading the source and try to understand all ot it and post my problems here

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