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Suggestion: configCREATE_IDLE_TASK

Posted by Nobody/Anonymous on June 28, 2005
From the FAQ, it states that:

"The idle task is created at the bottom of the function by a call to xTaskCreate(). Cut this line from Source\tasks.c and paste it into main().

Rationalise the number of tasks. The idle task is not required if:

1. Your application has a task that never blocks, and ...
2. Your application does not make any calls to vTaskDelete()."

I would like to suggest that a configCREATE_IDLE_TASK define be added to conditionally compile the code which creates the idle task in the vTaskStartScheduler. I currently use one copy of FreeRTOS in my source tree for all projects so it would be handy to just set up per-project configurations and not have to modify any of the base FreeRTOS code.

Thanks for all your great work!

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