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FedC/WizC port updated

Posted by Marcel van Lieshout on June 10, 2005
Dear group,

The first update to the FreeRTOS port for the fedC and wizC compilers is available for download on the FreeRTOS website ( http://www.freertos.org ). Because the update is not included yet in the main FreeRTOS download, a temporary link to the new zipfile is included on the port-specific webpage ( http://www.freertos.org/portwizc.html ).

Changes in this update:

- Interrupts were enabled before the scheduler started, fixed
- ISRcode is pulled inline into Interrupt() to improve performance
- When a single interrupt handles several interruptsources, only a single call to vTaskSwitchContext() is now made
- The allowed tickrates for the systemtick are increased (the tick can now be as low as 20Hz on a 40MHz MPU)
- Several files were changed from a .h extension to .c extension to allow stepping through code using F7
- The installation instructions are changed (improved, I hope)

Many thanks to Neil Breeden for being such a patient guinea pig :-)


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