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Starting point for doing GET and POST Request

Posted by bkpatel on July 9, 2015


I have a request to get me started on how to send POST and GET request to server from board which uses Texas Instrument's processor. My challenge is to make this work on both HTTP and HTTPS. I have some data on the board, on which FreeRTOS code is running, to be sent to some external server or get some data from this server. I have implemented HTTP GET and POST on Non-RTOS using LWIP and tcp APIs. But it is hard to extend support for HTTPS on this and not able to proceed further. I read some FreeRTOS forums and found Socket APIs can do POST and GET request. Will these socket APIs be able to do encryption and decryption if HTTPS used? Are there any example or link there which can help me to get started for both HTTP and HTTPS?

Thanks, Bhavesh

Starting point for doing GET and POST Request

Posted by rtel on July 9, 2015

There is a demo on the following link that creates secure sockets using WolfSSL (CyaSSL), for simplicity it uses the Windows TCP/IP stack though rather than an embedded stack, as it is supposed to be demonstrating the TLS/SSL code rather than the TCP stack. I know WolfSSL use it with lwIP regularly though:


As far as GET and POST go I think that is just a matter of generating the correct outgoing URLs (with parameters) and parsing the parameter of the incoming URLs.


Starting point for doing GET and POST Request

Posted by bkpatel on August 18, 2015

Hi, I treid to change the code to implement the same using LwIP instead of TLS. I am using Texas Instrument's Tiva C series (EK-1294XL) board for development using CCS v6.1 I included CyaSSL 3,3,0 after recommnedation from TI's forum. After integrating the same when I compiled I am getting error for not able to get the functions defined in cyassl/ssl.h files like CyaSSLInit(), CyaSSLCTX_new() and all other functions. Attched is the code and screen shot of the image. Not sure why compilation error is coming eventhough reference are given. Does anyone know why this error is coming?

Thanks, Bhavesh


freertos_demo.zip (1839599 bytes)

Starting point for doing GET and POST Request

Posted by bkpatel on August 18, 2015

Attching screenshot

Created function InitialiseCyaSSL() in lwip_task.c which is having some cyaSSL functions.


freeRTOS.JPG (57023 bytes)

Starting point for doing GET and POST Request

Posted by rtel on August 18, 2015

Sorry - it is not clear - are you having a problem building a project we have provided, in which we can assist? Or are you integrating third party code obtained from elsewhere, into a project you created yourself, and having problem getting the third party code to build, in which case I don't think your question is FreeRTOS related.

Your issue might be a mismatch between WolfSSL versions and documentation, as the WolfSSL API function names changed to reflect the re-branding from CyaSSL to WolfSSL.


Starting point for doing GET and POST Request

Posted by bkpatel on August 18, 2015

I have created a project using Code Composure Studio from TI. And after integrating CyaSSL-3.3.0 into ARM Compiler includes path I am not able to build the same. The screen shot I provided states the errors generated during build. Have you come across this kind of problem? And any help to make build successful will be helpful.

Thanks, Bhavesh

Starting point for doing GET and POST Request

Posted by edwards3 on August 18, 2015

So its not a FreeRTOS question.

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