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FreeRTOS+TCP port layer file for ATSAM4E

Posted by aolmstead on July 23, 2015

I believe I have the latest Labs download, FreeRTOSLabs150406.zip. In the FreeRTOS+TCP section, the port layer files in "FreeRTOS-PlusSourceFreeRTOS-Plus-TCPportableNetworkInterface" have placeholder txt files: "This port layer is already being used to run FTP and HTTP examples, and will be released soon."

I understand these are being refined and documented, but the current ATSAM4E port layer file would be very useful for me. I searched the forum and was not able to find an ETA, but it looked like some developers were able to get files early when they requested them.

I'm currently developing on the Atmel SAM4E Xplained Pro board, target processor will be the ATSAM4E8C. Please respond if I can get an early version of this file.

Thank you.

FreeRTOS+TCP port layer file for ATSAM4E

Posted by heinbali01 on July 24, 2015

Hi Andrew,

A new release of FreeRTOS+TCP along with real drivers should have come out earlier, but it is summertime now and things go a bit slower.

If you send an email to FreeRTOS you can get an early non-official release including a driver for ATSAM4E, so at least you can start using +TCP. You will find email addresses on freertos.org.


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