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portBYTE_ALIGNMENT in heap_4.c

Posted by 386 on July 5, 2013
I am wondering why is necessary to align PortMalloc blocks? My MCU is Cortex M3 / STM with 128K RAM. I have large number of small objects and lose 10-15K only for the alignments. Is there any problem if I modify heap_4.c to align at byte boundary? Probably the memory access may be slower but this is less important than memory size. I read that it is not recommended to modify portBYTE_ALIGNMENT macro because it is used for stack alignment.

RE: portBYTE_ALIGNMENT in heap_4.c

Posted by Richard on July 5, 2013
“I read that it is not recommended to modify portBYTE_ALIGNMENT macro because it is used for stack alignment.”

Then you have answered your own question :o)

You must be allocating a *lot* of blocks to loose 10-15K in alignment padding as the current FreeRTOS release will loose a maximum of 8 bytes per allocation. The next FreeRTOS release does improve the amount of loss so blocks that are 8 byte aligned already don't loose any, meaning the maximum loss per allocation is 7.


RE: portBYTE_ALIGNMENT in heap_4.c

Posted by 386 on July 5, 2013
I am parsing XML file. All dynamic data is about 47K (about 1500-2000 small objects). I tested with portBYTE_ALIGNMENT = 2 and the free memory difference at the end was about 7K - the percentage (7 of 47) is not small. Maybe it is a good idea to have heap_5.c for "economical" pvPortMalloc. Also I think it is necessary to implement PortRealloc.

RE: portBYTE_ALIGNMENT in heap_4.c

Posted by Coco on July 22, 2013
Hi, I'm also interested in this topic. Just curious, Is there any specific reason to align the memory for M3 in 8 bytes (is it to resolve some issues)? I realize that the older FreeRTOS sets this value at 4 bytes.

RE: portBYTE_ALIGNMENT in heap_4.c

Posted by Richard on July 22, 2013
Heap_4.c has been updated in FreeRTOS V7.5.0.

“Hi, I'm also interested in this topic. Just curious, Is there any specific reason to align the memory for M3 in 8 bytes (is it to resolve some issues)? I realize that the older FreeRTOS sets this value at 4 bytes. ”

The ARM ABI is to have 8 byte alignment. You probably won't notice any difference unless you start calling library functions that assume 8 byte alignment. The one that shows this up normally is calling printf() with a %f to format a double precision floating point value.


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