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about STR9xx port GCC and eclipse

Posted by johanan on July 30, 2007
I am new to ARM development. I found that spanding some time I can install Eclipse for C/C++ that runs GCC compiler, and even a debugger with a very low cost JTAG emulator. I would like to develop for STR9. FreeRTOS looks very nice, and I would like to know if anybody is using the above IDE setup, and also, how difficult it should be to move the STR9 port from the limited IAR IDE to Eclipse+GCC unlimited one?

RE: about STR9xx port GCC and eclipse

Posted by Patrick DEFLANDRE on July 30, 2007
Hello Johanan,

I use your IDE setup with the STR7 and AT91SAM7X FreeRTOS port and I find it very efficient.

I haven't done it, but I think that for porting the STR9 from IAR to GCC, you will have to copy and modify a Makefile like the one you can find in the ARM7_STR75x_GCC demo. You must then modify the declaration of the interrupt to conform with GCC convention. And you will have to change the startup file and create the linker directive file.

It is not a so simple task especially if you are new to gcc and arm developments, but it is possible if you have time to look on the different demo provided with FreeRTOS.


RE: about STR9xx port GCC and eclipse

Posted by johanan on July 31, 2007
Hello Patrick.
Thank you for your responce. I will try first to setup the Eclipse and C IDE according to the guide I found on the net. I hope it will be a smooth instalation.

RE: about STR9xx port GCC and eclipse

Posted by Richard on July 31, 2007
There is an article to be published next month on setting up GCC / Eclipse with FreeRTOS.org. The links used in the article are here: http://www.freertos.org/CortexEclipseExample.html I will post a link to the article itself when it is published (it has been translated to German).


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