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initialization of PhyProperties_t

Posted by josesimoes on February 29, 2016


I'm testing the FREERTOS+TCP implementation with an STM32F407. I've run into the following issue when building with GCC (5.1):

error: NetworkInterface.cpp:289:1: sorry, unimplemented : non-trivial designated initializers not supported };

It turns out to be an issue with using C initializers with C++.

I've moved the initializers into the struct definition, remove the const PhyProperties_t xPHYProperties declaration and called the initilizer in vMACBProbePhy. All this seem to have made the compiler happy.

~~~~ typedef struct PhyPropertiest { uint8t speed; uint8t mdix; uint8t duplex; uint8t spare;

void  intialize()
    #if( ipconfigETHERNET_AN_ENABLE != 0 )
        speed = PHY_SPEED_AUTO;
        duplex = PHY_DUPLEX_AUTO;
        #if( ipconfigETHERNET_USE_100MB != 0 )
            speed = PHY_SPEED_100;
            speed = PHY_SPEED_10;

        #if( ipconfigETHERNET_USE_FULL_DUPLEX != 0 )
            duplex = PHY_DUPLEX_FULL;
            duplex = PHY_DUPLEX_HALF;

    #if( ipconfigETHERNET_AN_ENABLE != 0 ) && ( ipconfigETHERNET_AUTO_CROSS_ENABLE != 0 )
        mdix = PHY_MDIX_AUTO;
    #elif( ipconfigETHERNET_CROSSED_LINK != 0 )
        mdix = PHY_MDIX_CROSSED;
        mdix = PHY_MDIX_DIRECT;

} PhyProperties_t; ~~~~

~~~~ void vMACBProbePhy( void ) { uint32t ulPhyControl, ulConfig, ulAdvertise, ulLower, ulUpper, ulMACPhyID, ulValue; TimeOutt xPhyTime; TickType_t xRemTime = 0;

/* For local use only: describe the PHY's properties: */
PhyProperties_t xPHYProperties;

HAL_ETH_ReadPHYRegister(&xETH, PHY_REG_03_PHYSID2, &ulLower);


initialization of PhyProperties_t

Posted by josesimoes on February 29, 2016

Forget this. I just realized that I had changed the NetworkInterface.c to NetworkInterface.cpp for some testing and, obviouslly the struct initializers wouldn't work.

initialization of PhyProperties_t

Posted by heinbali01 on February 29, 2016

No problem.

The struct initialisers, in my opinion, was something very useful that was dropped in C++.

Maybe because they were rarely used.

Here is an example of an array:

~~~~ Topologyt xTopologies[ XPARXEMACPSNUMINSTANCES ] = { [0] = { .emacbaseaddr = XPARPS7ETHERNET0BASEADDR, .emactype = xemactypeemacps, }, [1] = { .emacbaseaddr = XPARPS7ETHERNET1BASEADDR, .emactype = xemactypeemacps, }, }; ~~~~

All fields not mentioned will default to zero, great!

Within C++, this would be the unsafe surrogate:

~~~~ Topologyt xTopologies[ XPARXEMACPSNUMINSTANCES ] = { { XPARPS7ETHERNET0BASEADDR, xemactypeemacps, }, { XPARPS7ETHERNET1BASEADDR, xemactypeemacps, }, }; ~~~~

it just assumes that emac_baseaddr and emac_type are the first two fields of the struct.

Regards, Hein

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