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FreeRTOS Demo in Eclipse Mars and GNU Tools ARM Embedded 5_2_2015q4 for CP-JR ARM7 LPC2368

Posted by christianhaller on February 17, 2016

Hello, I opended the following project FreeRTOSV8.2.3.exe > FreeRTOS > Demo > ARM7LPC2368Eclipse with current eclipse-cpp-mars-1-win32-x8664 and GNU Tools ARM Embedded gcc-arm-none-eabi-52-2015q4-20151219-win32.exe and GNU ARM Eclipse Build Tools gnuarmeclipse-build-tools-win64-2.6-201507152002-setup.exe under Windows 7 x64

While installation I replaced all . by _ because I read that . in path could cause problems.

I get the following error: Program "arm-elf-gcc" not found in PATH

Resolution from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20412100/discovery-options-in-eclipse-c-c Kepler hides "Discovery Options" by default. Go to Window->Preferences-> C/C++ > Property Pages Settings and check display discovery option page. Then, open your project preferences and change arm-elf-gcc to arm-none-eabi-gcc like the rest.

I tested this but I couldn't find the option.

Resolution from https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Archiv/GNUARM-Toolchain/ Das PPA installiert arm-none-eabi-gcc, nicht arm-elf-gcc wie im Rest des Tutorials. Das Target arm-elf wird ab GCC 4.8 nicht mehr unterstützt. In der Bedienung unterscheiden sich arm-none-eabi-gcc und arm-elf-gcc nicht.

GCC after 4.8 no longer support arm-elf-gcc.

What can I do now?

This is my board: http://www.micro4you.com/files/lpc2368/ARM7_LPC2368.pdf I plan to flash the generated .hex-file via UART-0 with Flash Magic.

Thank you.

FreeRTOS Demo in Eclipse Mars and GNU Tools ARM Embedded 5_2_2015q4 for CP-JR ARM7 LPC2368

Posted by edwards3 on February 17, 2016

Do you have the arm-none-eabi-gcc compiler installed on your host and in the system path? It is not part of the Eclipse install and installed separately.

FreeRTOS Demo in Eclipse Mars and GNU Tools ARM Embedded 5_2_2015q4 for CP-JR ARM7 LPC2368

Posted by christianhaller on February 17, 2016

Yes I wrote: GNU Tools ARM Embedded gcc-arm-none-eabi-5_2-2015q4-20151219-win32.exe

C:Usersblueicehaller>arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-gcc: fatal error: no input files compilation terminated.

Can I get it to work if I create symlink named arm-elf-gcc to gcc-arm-none-eabi ?

FreeRTOS Demo in Eclipse Mars and GNU Tools ARM Embedded 5_2_2015q4 for CP-JR ARM7 LPC2368

Posted by edwards3 on February 17, 2016

That means the compiler is installed. What is the issue you have then? If it is calling arm-elf-gcc but the compiler is arm-none-eabi-gcc then you will need to update the project to use the right compiler.

FreeRTOS Demo in Eclipse Mars and GNU Tools ARM Embedded 5_2_2015q4 for CP-JR ARM7 LPC2368

Posted by christianhaller on February 17, 2016

I believe I found the location where I have to set this, see "Properties for RTOSDemo.png" I also changed line 60 ~~~~ 55 RTOSSOURCEDIR=../../../Source 56 DEMOCOMMONDIR=../../Common/Minimal 57 DEMOINCLUDEDIR=../../Common/include 58 UIPCOMMONDIR=../../Common/ethernet/uIP/uip-1.0/uip 59 60 CC=arm-none-eabi-gcc # previous value: arm-elf-gcc 61 OBJCOPY=arm-elf-objcopy 62 LDSCRIPT=lpc2368.ld ~~~~ Should I change something other than "Compiler invocation command"?

Project > Build Project results in: ~~~~ 23:15:56 **** Incremental Build of configuration arm-none-eabi-gcc for project RTOSDemo **** make all arm-none-eabi-gcc -c -g -O0 -Tlpc2368.ld -I . -I ../../../Source/include -I ../../../Source/portable/GCC/ARM7LPC23xx -I ../../Common/include -I ./webserver -I ../../Common/ethernet/uIP/uip-1.0/uip -D ROWLEYLPC23xx -D THUMBINTERWORK -mcpu=arm7tdmi -D PACKSTRUCTEND=__attribute((packed)) -D ALIGNSTRUCT_END=__attribute((aligned(4))) -fomit-frame-pointer -mthumb-interwork -fno-dwarf2-cfi-asm -fno-strict-aliasing -mthumb main.c -o main.o main.c:94:22: fatal error: FreeRTOS.h: No such file or directory compilation terminated. make: *** [main.o] Error 1 Makefile:137: recipe for target 'main.o' failed

23:15:56 Build Finished (took 405ms) ~~~~

main.c:94:22: fatal error: FreeRTOS.h: No such file or directory ~~~~ 93 /* Scheduler includes. */ 94 #include "FreeRTOS.h" 95 #include "task.h" 96 #include "queue.h" 97 #include "semphr.h" ~~~~ What I found is "FreeRTOSConfig.h" - is this the missing file?

~~~~ Makefile:137: recipe for target 'main.o' failed ~~~~ ~~~~ 125 all: RTOSDemo.bin 126 127 RTOSDemo.bin : RTOSDemo.hex 128 $(OBJCOPY) RTOSDemo.elf -O binary RTOSDemo.bin 129 130 RTOSDemo.hex : RTOSDemo.elf 131 $(OBJCOPY) RTOSDemo.elf -O ihex RTOSDemo.hex 132 133 RTOSDemo.elf : $(THUMBOBJS) $(ARMOBJS) boot.s Makefile 134 $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ARMOBJS) $(THUMBOBJS) $(LIBS) boot.s $(LINKERFLAGS) 135 136 $(THUMBOBJS) : %.o : %.c Makefile FreeRTOSConfig.h 137 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -mthumb $< -o $@ 138 139 $(ARM_OBJS) : %.o : %.c Makefile FreeRTOSConfig.h 140 $(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@ ~~~~

Also I found the following: http://gnutoolchains.com/arm-elf/ Should I test this or another older arm-elf-gcc?


FreeRTOS Demo in Eclipse Mars and GNU Tools ARM Embedded 5_2_2015q4 for CP-JR ARM7 LPC2368

Posted by christianhaller on February 21, 2016

Please help. I can't compile.

FreeRTOS Demo in Eclipse Mars and GNU Tools ARM Embedded 5_2_2015q4 for CP-JR ARM7 LPC2368

Posted by woops_ on February 21, 2016

The web link to the compiler now goes here http://www.gnuarm.com/

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