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FreeRtos CPU load

Posted by kapukiran on December 14, 2013

Hi, How can I determine CPU load in Tms570ls3137.

FreeRtos CPU load

Posted by rtel on December 14, 2013

The answer to this is similar to the answer to your other post regarding the +Trace tool. All you need is to configure a timer that can provide a high resolution time base. This time rather than use the trace tool though you provide macros to feed the time base into FreeRTOS's internal run time stats gathering.



FreeRtos CPU load

Posted by kapukiran on December 16, 2013

I use Tms570ls3137 and I configured configGENERATERUNTIMESTATS as 1 but I did not understand How can I configure portCONFIGURETIMERFORRUNTIMESTATS() and portGETRUNTIMECOUNTERVALUE() for Tms570ls3137..Can you give me an example.

When I configured configGENERATERUNTIMESTATS as 1, t took a error. --error If configGENERATERUNTIMESTATS is defined then portCONFIGURETIMERFORRUNTIMESTATS must alsa be defined.portCONFIGURETIMERFORRUNTIMESTATS should call a port layer....

FreeRtos CPU load

Posted by kapukiran on December 17, 2013

How can I configure a timer for Tms570ls3137..

FreeRtos CPU load

Posted by rtel on December 17, 2013

As per the documentation page linked above you need to define one macro that initialises the timer and one that reads from the timer. How you do that on any particular part is specific to that part (not a FreeRTOS question) and requires that you read the datasheet for the part, or look for drivers that already exist for the part. In your case TI provide the HalCoGen tool that will provide the drivers you require.


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