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CMSIS Breaks Code

Posted by rog57 on December 19, 2012
I've successfully built the "Webserver demo" under IAR EWARM 6.5. As per the README file, I have been able to remove unwanted code (USB, ENET) and rebuilt the code without warning or error.
Now I want to start adding my code in. First, I create a group called "Drivers" and include the appropriate CMSIS driver source files and their include paths. I also add the file "system_LPC17xx.c". I then do a build without warnings or errors.
I then add the include file "debugf_frmwrk.h" into the "main.c" file. I then get multiple repeats of this error:

Error[Pe020]: identifier "LPC_UART_TypeDef" is undefined C:\Users\grr\Documents\IAR Embedded Workbench\arm\examples\NXP\LPC17xx\LPC1700CMSIS\Drivers\include\lpc17xx_uart.h 578

Any suggestions on what is wrong?

thank you for the assistance,

RE: CMSIS Breaks Code

Posted by MEdwards on December 19, 2012
“I've successfully built the "Webserver demo" under IAR EWARM 6.5.”

Which demo? Where did you get the project from?

“Error[Pe020]: identifier "LPC_UART_TypeDef" is undefined C:\Users\grr\Documents\IAR Embedded Workbench\arm\examples\NXP\LPC17xx\LPC1700CMSIS\Drivers\include\lpc17xx_uart.h 578 ”

Without wanting to state the obvious, it looks like a header file that defines LPC_UART_TypeDef is not included where it should be. Is LPC17xx_uart.h included from a FreeRTOS file? If so then there must be a header file that needs including before it.

Another thought, I'm not familiar with the NXP libraries but some libraries from other manufactures have a config file that you need to set to say which peripherals to include and which to exclude. Maybe UART is excluded from the build?

RE: CMSIS Breaks Code

Posted by rog57 on December 19, 2012

Thanks for the input. I had 2 lpc17xx.h header files; I've fixed that and a few other things. it now compiles and just about runs.
I have posted a new question on this issue.


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