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Stack Overflow hook

Posted by baranov on August 9, 2010
I have a task "LCD" created like that:
xTaskCreate( vLCDTask, ( signed portCHAR * ) "LCD", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY, NULL );

Suppose I want to prevent it from stack overflow. Do I understand correctly that I have to make appropriate changes in FreeRtosConfig, and run function:
vApplicationStackOverflowHook( xTaskHandle *pxTask, signed portCHAR *pcTaskName )
.... something...
If yes, what I have to use as parameters?

vApplicationStackOverflowHook( vLCDTask, "LCD" ) ??? I'm in doubt.

RE: Stack Overflow hook

Posted by Richard Damon on August 9, 2010
If you define the appropriate entries to turn on stack checking, then YOU define vApplicationStackOverflowHook, and FreeRTOS will call it when it detects a stack overflow. Typically the Hook will either just loop so you can check what happened in a debugger, or prints out an error message and reboot your system. It will call the hook function with the parameters of the task that overflowed its stack.

RE: Stack Overflow hook

Posted by baranov on August 10, 2010

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