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MPLAB dsPIC error when opening demo - newbie

Posted by Brian ODonnell on August 6, 2010
Am trying to get started on the FreeRtos demo for the dsPIC. When I try and open the file in the demo folder dsPIC_MPLAB I get an error message that says 'Could not find the project file "RTOSDemo_dsPIC.mcp" in directory "c:\FreeRtos\Demo\dsPIC_MPLAB". I have put all extracted folders and files in a folder called FreeRtos in the C drive. I am running MPLAB IDE ver 8.36.with MPLAB C30. I notice there is no MPLAB project file in the demo folder - should I be opening the MPLAB IDE in a different way ?

Other projects I have open and compile OK . Any help or suggestions appreciated.

RE: MPLAB dsPIC error when opening demo - newbie

Posted by Richard on August 6, 2010
I happen to have MPLAB installed, and am using FreeRTOS V6.0.5.

These are the steps I took:

1 - Start MPLAB.
2 - Select "Open Workspace" from the file menu (notice it is Workspace rather than project).
3 - Open RTOSDemo.mcw from \FreeRTOS\Demo\dsPIC_MPLAB.
4 - Select "build all" from the project menu.

The build was successful.

I know that MPLAB will pop up a dialogue if the build tools are installed in a different location on your host to that detailed in the project, so there might be an extra step required to select the correct path to the tools when using a different machine to that on which the project was created.

Hope this helps.


RE: MPLAB dsPIC error when opening demo - newbie

Posted by Brian ODonnell on August 6, 2010
Many thanks for the advice, as it worked .

I installed V6.05 and 'built it' with no issues. I will try this on the Explorer 16 board in a couple of weeks when it arrives. Did you have any problems with the demo running on this board ? Are all the required options for heap memory etc setup correctly in the demo version ?

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