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OpenRTOS plugin for IAR Embedded workbench

Posted by Anuradha on April 5, 2012

I am using Open RTOS with IAR Embedded workbench for STM32L.
While debugging using OpenRTOS plugging I have noticed the following issue.

I have a LEDTask on my application which I have assigned stack of size 48.
When I debug and examine, as the minimum free stack I noticed 64, which is greater than the stack I have allocated.

Can some body explain me what is happening here?

Thank you.

RE: OpenRTOS plugin for IAR Embedded workbench

Posted by jonathan on April 5, 2012

Without code it's not easy to see. But 48 as a stack is in reality 48x4= 192 byte of Stack used. So 64 is probably correct in this case.


RE: OpenRTOS plugin for IAR Embedded workbench

Posted by Richard on April 5, 2012
If you are truly using OpenRTOS, then please use the OpenRTOS commercial support ticketing system rather than posting OpenRTOS related questions to the FreeRTOS support forum.


RE: OpenRTOS plugin for IAR Embedded workbench

Posted by Anuradha on April 10, 2012
Thanks for your replies.

@ Jonathan:
Yes I agree with the fact the actual amount of stack allocated is 48* stack width of STM32. It is clearly mentioned in RTOS documentation.
The problem I am having is what is the actual amount of bytes remain free, when it is given that Min Free Stack = 32 in Free RTOS-OpenRTOS plugin for IAR Embedded wrokbench, what is the actual amount of bytes remaining?
Is it 32 or 32 * stack width of STM32?

@ Barry: I am truly using OpenRTOS. Ticket is opened and waiting for the reply.
Plugin is for both OpenRTOS and FreeRTOS. and IAR does not have supporting manual for the plugin.


RE: OpenRTOS plugin for IAR Embedded workbench

Posted by Richard on April 10, 2012
I would expect the stack high watermark in the plug-in to show the number of bytes remaining - but I'm not 100% sure.


RE: OpenRTOS plugin for IAR Embedded workbench

Posted by Anuradha on April 10, 2012
I received reply for my ticket :)

Thought of putting down some points here so that somebody else facing the problem would find it useful.

The FreeRTOS/OpenRTOS plugin reports the minimum free stack in bytes not in words.
As Barry expected plug in shows the stack high water mark.
There is an OpenRTOS application note for OpenRTOS plug in for IAR

Thank you.

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