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Polled Transfer Mode

[FreeRTOS+IO Transfer Modes]

Data Direction

Polled mode can be used with both FreeRTOS_read() and FreeRTOS_write().


In polled mode, data transfers are performed by busy waiting on peripheral status bits. Interrupts are not used.

Polled Transfer Mode
Advantages Disadvantages
  • Very simple usage model
  • In most cases, the FreeRTOS_read() or FreeRTOS_write() operation will only return after all the data has been read or written respectively.
  • The FreeRTOS+IO driver does not need any RAM for data buffering.
  • The task performing the read or write remains in the Ready or Running state for the duration of the read or write operation - even when there are no actions to perform because the peripheral's status bits have not changed since they were last polled. The result is CPU time being wasted by the polling task at the expense of another task that could have performed its processing immediately.
  • There is no in-built mutual exclusion method. The application writter must ensure mutual exclusion (for example by using a mutex) if more than one task needs to access the same peripheral.
  • There is not (yet) the possibility to change the read or write timeout.

Polling is the default mode when a peripheral is opened. Not all peripherals provide a method to return to polled mode once it has been exited.

Polled writes will only return after all the bytes have been written to the peripheral, unless an error occurs.

Polled reads will only return after the requested number of bytes have been read from the peripheral, unless an error occurs.

Example Usage

/* FreeRTO+IO includes. */
#include "FreeRTOS_IO.h"

void vAFunction( void )
/* The Peripheral_Descriptor_t type is the FreeRTOS+IO equivalent of a descriptor. */
Peripheral_Descriptor_t xOpenedPort;
BaseType_t xBytesTransferred;

    /* Open the SPI port identified in the board support package as using the
    path string "/SPI2/".  The second parameter is not currently used and can
    be set to anything, although, for future compatibility, it is recommneded 
    that it is set to NULL. */
    xOpenedPort = FreeRTOS_open( "/SPI2/", NULL );

    if( xOpenedPort != NULL )
        /* xOpenedPort now contains a valid descriptor that can be used with
        other FreeRTOS+IO API functions.  
        Peripherals default to using Polled mode for both reads and  writes, so 
        the following FreeRTOS_write() call will write 10 bytes from the 
        ucBuffer array to the SPI2 peripheral.  The ucBuffer declaration is not 
        shown, and assumed to be outside of this example function. */
        xBytesTransferred = FreeRTOS_write( xOpenedPort, ucBuffer, 10 );
        /* As polled mode is being used, xBytesTransferred should be 10, unless
        an error occurred. */
        configASSERT( xBytesTransferred == 10 );
        /* The transfer mode has not been changed, so the following read will
        also use polled mode.  It will read 10 bytes into ucBuffer. */
        xBytesTransferred = FreeRTOS_read( xOpenedPort, ucBuffer, 10 );
        /* Again, as polled mode is used, the call to FreeRTOS_read() will have
        returned all of the 10 requested bytes unless an error occurred. */
        configASSERT( xBytesTransferred == 10 );
        /* The port was not opened successfully. */

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